South Ethiopia Regional State Office of the President
H.E Tilahun Kebede, President of South Ethiopia Regional State
By establishing the rule of law and democracy, ensuring equitable development benefits of nations and peoples, and creating a region that is conducive to citizens' living and development, we aim to ensure sustainable economic growth and common prosperity.
to be seen as a symbol of prosperity by building an economic and political society based on strong national unity.
Strategic Pillars and Key Priority Areas
The overall development goal is to achieve improved welfare of the society, by improving the standard of living.
These development vision and objectives will be achieved through the following key strategic pillars which are primarily focused on addressing the deep-rooted macroeconomic, sectoral, and structural bottlenecks of economic, social, administrative, and institutional development of the country.
The key strategic pillars of the ten-year development plan are:
Quality Economic Growth and Shared Prosperity
Economic Productivity and Competitiveness
Technological Capability and Digital Economy
Sustainable Development Financing
Private Sector-led Economic Growth
Resilient Green Economy
Institutional Transformation
Gender and Social Inclusion
Access to Justice and Efficient Civil Services
Regional Peace Building and Economic Integration
H.E Tilahun Kebede
President of South Ethiopia Regional State
Diversity is an opportunity for Growth!
“Building instead of tearing down: it should be part of our daily practice to move closer to each other with love and understanding. By nurturing our relationships with each other, we can achieve growth and prosperity. This requires the willingness of every citizen to take responsibility for this activity. Through coming together and supporting one another, we can climb the tower of success much faster. “
Brotherhood and Sisterhood
“As brotherhood and sisterhood continue to strengthen, our peace will be unbreakable. Their role is irreplaceable for rapid development and common prosperity. Therefore, every citizen should fulfill their responsibility so that our solidarity can develop. “
Administration - Nearby Offices
Office of the Head of Government
Office of Cluster Coordinators
Office of Protocol and Intergovernmental Relations
Office of Special Counsel and Counselors
Latest News
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